Thursday, November 12, 2009

Unexpected inspiration

Know what's inspirational?

Receiving an email from someone you met at a convention who just happened to find a picture they'd had taken with you, and who thought it would be marvelously nice to pass it along.

There's nothing like seeing you look like you're pregnant (when you're not) and noticing that lovely second chin you try and hide by resting your chin on your hand as often as you can to get devoted again.

I am so getting my ass in gear tomorrow. Fresh starts!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Results from 10/23

I have returned to my "old" habits and as a reward for such behavior I have gained 4 pounds back in a week. Carrie sent me a "think about this..." text the other day that said something along the lines of A year from now, you will wish you had started today. It really made me think and I know that the me in Oct 2010 really would thank me for getting my shit together today. Well, I don't have to get it all together right now, but if I get the process started today then I will be that much closer tomorrow. Today I am tired of it all. I am bored with my excuses and ready to really think about considering making necessary changes. I love to sabotage myself. I am an amazing self fulfilling prophet!
The end of this year is a huge deal for me. I am FINALLY done with my undergrad and it has only taken me 12 years to settle on a major and complete it. It will be the first time I have ever set out to do something and then actually followed through with it. Since this is new for me, I am doing everything in my power to stay put. I have lost the excitement I had at the beginning of the term. I am refusing to think about what I am going to be doing the second week of December when I am done with my finals and I have no job or prospects. I know I have an amazing family who provide an outstanding support network so I am not worried about having my needs met. I think what I am going through is the opposite of anorexia. So much is changing and needs to change that I am controlling the one thing that is uncomfortably comfortable and that is my status as a fat person. I have no idea who healthy Natalie is and I don't know what she is going to need to move about the world every day. If I keep the pounds then I know the rules. I know what to do and what is expected of me in my community. I know the routine. It is really dumb to fall back on that but I am pretty sure that is what allows me to sleep for 17 hours at a time then wake up to eat a large pizza on my own.
I think I am going to try to re frame what is going on and just lump it all together and wrap everything in a dum dum's "surprise" wrapper. While I don't exactly know what the flavor is going to be, I can be pretty certain I am going to like it anyway. And if I don't I can choose something different at that time. But I need to stop assuming its too hard or going to suck so why bother. Hiking to the top of a hill/mountain/really hard location sucks and can really test you along the way. But the view from the top and being able to look back at where you came from is indiscribable. I just have to keep reminding myself of that. Yeah, it is balls shitty now, but if I just hold out a little longer and push a littler harder (cuz I know I have way more in me) then it will all be worth it and it will all work itself out at the end. But I can tell you all one thing is for sure... I REFUSE to be in the same place, battling the SAME demons this time next year.

With that said, here are the most recent results.

Nat 2.9%
Kim .9%
Carol .9%
Sigrid .9%
Carrie 1% GOOD JOB CURRY!!
Chris 0% Way to go getting on track Chris!! :)
Megan I did not get a weight for Megan this week. When I do I will update.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Way to go Everyone

First, where the heck is everyone? No one is posting! Me included I suppose, so I will try to be better about that.

It's still a bit frustrating to not even see a whole percentage weight loss, but I am not being as strict about this as I was last time. I admit that the stress of trying to sell our house and the traveling I have been doing has led to some less than ideal eating choices.

But, I was in Boston this past week seeing colleagues I only see once a year at best. It was great to get lots of compliments on my weight loss. I've lost 27 pounds since many of them have seen me last and it must make a difference!

What about you guys? What sorts of situations cause you to eat?

I hope everyone has a great week!


Monday, October 19, 2009

Results Results Results

Nat 4.6%
Megan 1.2%
Kim .97%
Carol .48%
Sigrid .48%
Chris +.66
Carrie +.66
Matt....Matt failed to send me his weight this week. I will update when he decides to do so :)

I hope everyone has a great week.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Sorry I am late with this. I had company this past weekend and then was not feeling well yesterday, but that is no excuse when I have commitments to other people. I promise to try to have this posted by Sunday mornings from now on. Also, I tried to keep track of all of this on excel, but apparently I don't know how to work it and I lost all of the data somewhere so I had to go back thru everything to get weights. So, if you think I have made a mistake let me know and I will fix it. Just so everyone knows, I have been flip flopping between using the weigh in date weight of 236 and the averaged weight of 233 as my starting weight. I had a very heated discussion with my friend this weekend and she made some awesome points which helped me decide to use the weigh in date weight. So my official starting weight was 236. Also, Carol and I appear to be the only ones who have scales that weigh whole numbers and not to the tenths place. I originally was rounding everyone's numbers up to make them whole.... until Megan ruined it and gave me a point something loss :) I am using an online calculator which can be found here: However, I am also doing the long division when necessary. Again, if you feel your numbers are off please let me know.


Natalie: 3.8%
Matt: 1.2%
Carol: .5%
Kim: .5%
Sigrid: .5%
Megan: I don't know how to calculate your loss!! But I know y0ur position in the line up. Math is Hard... Please advise how to calculate a point something loss if you know how to get an accurate percent. I kept coming up with .9 but that didn't seem right.
Curry: 0%
Chris: + 1.3%

Monday, October 12, 2009

Another recipe

I made another sparkpeople recipe tonight. A lower calorie version of fettucine alfredo. I served it with grilled pork chops and steamed broccoli. Very yummy.

Here it is:

4 servings of your favorite pasta (I used rigatoni because Ella likes those noodles)
6 triangles of Laughing Cow original cheese
1/4 cup of parmesan (like the Kraft kind)
2 T of sour cream (I used light sour cream)
Splash of milk
Salt and Pepper to taste

Heat everything but the pasta in a saucepan over low heat while your pasta cooks. After draining the pasta, toss it in with the sauce. Next time, I would use quite a bit more milk and maybe one fewer triangle of cheese just because it was REALLY thick.

But one serving had 316 calories, which is not bad. Add in a 4 oz pork chop at 215 calories, some broccoli, and a salad, and it was a very good, incredibly filling dinner for under 700 calories.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

On our way

Tonight Matt and I had a healthy meal. I made homemade chicken strips by using boneless skinless tenders dipped in a combination of egg white and Fat Free Hidden Valley Ranch dressing. I then rolled them in panko bread crumbs and baked at 375 degrees for about 30 minutes. One serving, approximately 250 - 275 calories. We paired them with Ore Ida Crispers (we do have a 2 year old), but again, one serving is 200 calories. I also steamed some broccoli. So, dinner for around 500 calories and it was very yummy!

This week it's been hard and will continue to be hard to make good eating choices as we have been out looking for houses so much. But, if the stress of closing on our house, finding a new house, packing, and moving, doesn't help me be too busy to sit around and eat all the time, I don't know what will. Let's ignore the fact that I tend to eat when stressed........

Good luck to everyone. I hope people start posting to the blog. Carrie, I'm so sorry about your change in dress code. Maybe you could pair some socks with your Doc Marten's, I'm sure that would be lovely. :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Where is everyone?

I would like to take this opportunity to say I will succeed!!!!

I had a wake up call at work on Friday when we were told, starting immediately, we are not allowed to wear jeans, tennis shoes and anything "athletic". Um, glad I just spent $50 on a new pair of jeans. I sat at my desk and cried. Not because of the strict dress code (seriously people, it's a stupid call center) but because I own nothing acceptable. So for the past 3 days I have been wearing my khaki-cargo-capris. With Doc Marten sandals.

I now have to buy pants, shoes and shirts. I'm going to spend this week trying to pull the money out of my ass while also trying to fit pants over said ass.



nuf said

Good luck everyone!